About me

I am addicted to nature. I move on because the sun is watching me from high in the sky. But I feel that part of me is always in the secret like that part of the moon is always on the dark side. That's why I'm Sigisun.

I am Sigita Vėgėlienė. I was born in Panevėžys, but grew up and studied in Zarasai district. It is a wonderful land with many lakes and hills. Forests are full of life. You feel very alive yourself. The colors of nature make me very happy, I want others to love it too. When I have inspiration, I paint pictures, sometimes they reflect more distant spaces than the park.

I am currently back in the city of Panevėžys. I am raising two daughters with my husband. Children are very happy, I like to draw funny animals for them. I also painted various acrylic paintings according to orders. I devote my free time to my beloved oil paints. Pictures painted with them need to be dried for a long time.

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.

Theodore Roosevelt

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